OD & IT Solutions Kft.

8220 Balatonalmádi, Álmos u. 1.

VAT number


Company registration number

19 09 514683

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IT Security or Process-Based Audits

Our Compliance Assessments provide a comprehensive evaluation of your security posture, identifying vulnerabilities and gaps in your defenses. With a keen eye for detail and industry-leading expertise, we help you proactively address compliance challenges, ensuring your organization remains resilient against cyber threats.

There are several key elements to consider when developing a security and cyber strategy.

Whether you require IT Security Audits to assess your network infrastructure or Process-Based Audits to evaluate your internal controls, our team delivers actionable insights and recommendations to fortify your defenses. With our rigorous approach and commitment to excellence, you can trust us to protect your organization from the ever-evolving threat landscape. Partner with us to elevate your cyber security strategy and achieve peace of mind in today's digital world. Together, we'll navigate the complexities of cyber security, empowering your organization to thrive securely in the digital era.

Times of change:

6 business trends to stay competitive

Change Management,
Process restructuring,
Organizational culture change,
Strategic restructure,
Digital Transformation,

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