Activities include regular annual training, documentation, review, audits, advisory services, determination of organizational security levels, risk analysis, and maintaining related documents.
This service is recommended for:
We conduct and document the organization's security classification as required by law. If necessary, we propose changes to ensure that individual organizational units meet the minimum security requirements.
We identify the organization's IT systems, regardless of whether they are ASP obligated or interface connectors, and determine and document their security class.
Cybersecurity is also important for maintaining customer trust. If a company experiences a data breach or cyber attack, it could result in the loss of customer data, which could damage the company's reputation and lead to a loss of customers. By prioritizing cybersecurity, companies can show customers that their personal information is being protected.
Even if an incident occurs at a subcontractor managing data on behalf of partners, customers, or users, the Data Controller must report the incident to the Authority.
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