Digital Solutions

Digital Solutions – Complex problem solving, critical thinking and creativity will be the skills most in demand in the next. But to adapt to the emerging new work environment, people also need vastly upgraded digital, technical, management and cultural capabilities.

Creating strategies for an ever-changing world, because the OD&IT Group professionals recognize that CEOs and business leaders are tasked with achieving maximum value for their organizations’ stakeholders in this transformative age. We challenge assumptions to design and deliver strategies that help improve profitability and long-term value.

Established : 2004

Digital Solutions

We believe in our mission, our people, and our solutions — and in providing the best possible customer service.

A data-driven approach informs our management style and our customers’ success, but we look beyond the numbers because we are passionate about the work we do.

We are driven to do whatever it takes to be the best partner with the best company culture in the business.

Corporate and growth strategy

Leading companies are taking big, transformative steps, redefining their purpose, embarking on end-to-end digital transformations and learning how to achieve disruptive innovation in a rapidly shifting market environment.

Is your technology moving fast enough to realize your ambitions?

Data centricity is a top priority for businesses. We identify the potential benefits this brings and steps you must take to unlock value. Data is emerging as the strategic currency of the digital age. It will be generated based on the success of how humans work together across an enterprise including functions, data and analytics teams and technology, to drive a cultural shift.

Times of change:

6 business trends to stay competitive

Change Management,
Process restructuring,
Organizational culture change,
Strategic restructure,
Digital Transformation,

In today’s world, the „rules of the game” in the market are changing at an unprecedented pace. Due to evolving demands, new laws, regulations, and even whimsical trends, startup businesses are skyrocketing while old, seemingly stable enterprises are disappearing without a trace. While it’s always possible to blame countless circumstances for the latter, it is never productive. Success, a successful business, is truly attainable for anyone willing to work for it.

Year-over-year, spending on industry-specific business application workloads has grown at the fastest rate, increasing by 36.6% in the second half of last year. AI lifecycle management increased corporate infrastructure expenditures by 26.6% during the same period, accounting for 7.2% of the budget—making it the second-largest slice, amounting to $6.6 billion. These figures clearly show the impact of innovation and technological advancements on the success of market players.

In the business world, accurate tax compliance is crucial. Managing this area correctly is becoming increasingly complex due to the rapid changes in legislation and regulatory environments and the digitalization of revenue authorities. Companies that cannot keep up with these changes can easily find themselves in difficult situations.

Established : 2004

Digital Solutions - strategic advice to help achieve optimal — and sustainable — results

We advise clients on developing strategic opportunities by providing in-depth market, competitor and customer insights. We then help them implement their strategic plans by leveraging financial and operational perspectives across their organization.

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